Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Squash Progress and Arugula

First of all, I posted about the squash that we had two weeks ago and we are still getting it each week at the CSA. I wanted to post a picture to show how huge they have grown so quickly! The yield is really high and there is so much to eat, so I'm really hoping that we get some more that are even bigger this week.

Anyway, what I really want to focus on is arugula because we have had this coming through the past few weeks and I want to know some information about it. I noticed that it has a peppery flavor, and it can be used in either a salad or cooked. This particular batch was a little too bitter for me to eat directly into a salad, but I steamed them with some garlic and lemon, as you would with spinach, and they tasted great. Apparently the larger the leaves are, the more potent the peppery taste is and the smaller leaves have a milder taste, and that makes sense since this arugula was a little bit aged.

 I made sure to cut the ends of the stems off because according to some research I did they can be tough to eat if they get too hard. They should be able to last about a week when refrigerated, but I wanted to eat them quickly just in case. This was a great dinner side, so I'm hoping that we have another bunch for next week!

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